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News Release

Aug. 23, 2021

Abington is 2022 Governor’s Award winner; 6 receive Faculty Excellence Awards

和记棋牌娱乐(northwestern Missouri State University)授予了6位年度优秀教师奖,以表彰他们的教学工作, scholarship and service during 2020-21.

延续了该机构长期以来的传统,将其中一位获奖者命名为西北州长卓越教育奖获得者, the University announced Dr. Casey Abington, an associate professor of economics, will receive the 2022 award. Abington, who joined the Northwest faculty in 2010, teaches courses related to economics, banking and financial management.

州长奖由密苏里州公立高等教育委员会赞助,每年颁发给代表密苏里州四年制公立院校的杰出教师. 和记棋牌娱乐的获奖者是从获得大学教学优秀奖的教师中选出的,这些教师在有效教学方面体现了州长奖的标准, effective advising, innovation in course design and delivery, service to the university and community, 并致力于高标准的卓越和成功,以培养学生的成就.

For Northwest’s Faculty Excellence Awards, one recipient is selected in each of the three categories of teaching, 和记棋牌娱乐六所专业学校提名者的奖学金和服务, 每个类别从代表文理学院五个院系的提名者中选出一名获奖者, for a total of six award winners.


“今年的教师优秀奖获得者是和记棋牌娱乐教师对和记棋牌娱乐的动力和承诺的完美例子,” Provost Dr. Jamie Hooyman said. “These recipients are exemplary in their fields of study, contribute to their departments and schools in meaningful service, and they prioritize student learning every day. Through their contributions and role modeling, these six outstanding faculty members make Northwest a better place to learn. 能够表彰今年的获奖者是2021-22学年的完美开端.”



Dr. Casey Abington, associate professor of economics, Melvin D. and Valorie G. Booth School of Business

阿宾顿继续发展和发展她的教学,以帮助学生和保持当前的学科. She adopted a new textbook, 为在线专业课程改编了一门本科课程,并为工商管理硕士课程开设了一门经济学课程. Students comment that her teaching methods are engaging and effective, and she is enthusiastic, helpful and positive in her interactions. 她在课程评估中的高分反映了她对学生成功和大学使命的承诺.

One student commented, “我从对经济学一无所知到对经济如何运作以及它如何影响我的日常生活有了很好的把握. Dr. 阿宾顿用通俗易懂的语言把经济学的核心思想讲得非常贴近学生.”

Dr. Brett Chloupek,人文与社会科学系地理学副教授

Chloupek’s students routinely remark in evaluations that he is passionate, caring and exciting in the classroom. 去年春天,他又教授了两门课程,证明了他追求卓越的决心, greatly increasing his student count. Moreover, students report he teaches them what it means to be a professional, not just in the fields of geography.

One student commented, “他以学生能理解的方式向学生展示材料,让和记棋牌娱乐明白, achievable goals to ensure we achieve our best potential, and also pushes us when he knows what we can accomplish.” 


Dr. AJ Bandi, associate professor of computer science, School of Computer Science and Information Systems

在过去的一年里,班迪在研究方面做得非常出色. 他为国际读者撰写或合作撰写了五篇专题文章, including microservice-based architectures, edge computing, cognitive informatics in emergency disaster management systems, and data streaming architecture for visualizing cryptocurrency temporal data.

Dr. Kurt Haberyan, professor of biology, Department of Natural Sciences

在他对哥斯达黎加湖泊生物学的研究中,Haberyan发现并命名了一种新的微型藻类,这是他一生难得的经历. 这一发现为他30年的工作画上了句号,也是他职业生涯的最高成就.

Through their research, Haberyan and his colleagues sampled about 100 lakes, removing organic material and identifying 154 species already known to science. Documenting the new species, Aulacoseira umanai, 包括对现有物种的详细检查,以证明它是科学上的新物种.


Dr. 凯伦·布里特,美术与表演艺术系艺术史助理教授

布里特在艺术学科中承担了多项领导职责,并领导了重大的跨学科项目. “巴西神话”将音乐和艺术教师和学生聚集在一起,以打击乐团的同名作品表演为中心进行创新合作. She also organized lectures and workshops for Northwest students, featuring art conservator Katharine Untch. Additionally, 她自愿写了一份联邦拨款提案,帮助土墩市的领导人为一项大型壁画保护项目筹集资金.

Within the Department of Fine and Performing Arts, she serves as a curriculum and assessment coordinator, library liaison, chair of a committee to restructure Senior Seminar, and mentored a new graphic design faculty member. She also serves on the Campus Museums Advisory Committee, 并被选为全州委员会的成员,以发展艺术欣赏的普遍成果.


Dr. Matt Symonds,健康科学与健康学院的健康科学教授

Symonds is an advocate for continuous improvement and excellence, 他还因为学生创造卓越的学习体验和为员工创造良好的工作环境而闻名. 他的主要服务内容包括成为和记棋牌娱乐美国州立大学协会学生成功中心团队的成员, co-leading a team implementing a new student learning software system, 教职员手册第二章修订委员会的成员和一名全体教职员参议员. 他长期致力于和记棋牌娱乐的战略规划工作,并监督与健康科学项目相关的研究生研究论文.

Additionally, Symonds完成了MOSHAPE董事会未来方向委员会主席的第二个任期. MOSHAPE是全国各级卫生和体育工作者的专业组织, and the Board provides oversight for all of MOSHAPE activities.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215